We’ve put together some amazing offers through to the end of the year!


We are offering 25% saving on our Hosted and Premium systems. Thats a Saving of £147 on our Premium version.
There’s never been a better time to take your first (or indeed second) step towards cloud computing. Collabor8online lets you share your documents and manage your projects with all of your team AND contacts both inside and outside your office. YOU control who sees what.

YOU can grant access to your and clients and contacts outside your business without them needing to subscribe to the service at all!

You can be up and running in 60 seconds – you get 30 days free trial with ALL accounts – and you can cancel any time with just 30 days notice there is no fixed term contract.

How Easy is it to share files with Collabor8online Video?

Most Businesses need to share files Video

If you’d like to know more, click or Call 020 3369 6491.

Try Now Free 30 Days Video Overview 25% off Annual subscriptions