How much do you spend on Project Management software?

Plenty of organisations are used to investing heavily in technology during the "pre-contract" stage. Such investments may cover planning and design, estimating and procurement, and we're not even including the investment in the Sales and Marketing processes that...

Everybody Loves a Tagline

Believe it or not, we spent quite some time (and not an inconsiderable amount of money) coming up with our tagline. "There is no better way to share files and communicate" It was, we were told, simple, motivational and yet comparative, which apparently is what a good...

Pop-up Virtual Data Room

There is a growing trend for businesses to make use of temporary facilities. Most city centres will see a rash of pop-up bars and restaurants over the Christmas period. This trend has now continued to cover festivals, exhibitions in fact anything that might merit some...

E-learning Solutions

The need to provide learning solutions online has extended to businesses and is no longer limited to traditional educational establishments and course providers.   Compliance issues, in areas as diverse as Health and Safety, Employment Law and Waste Disposal have...

We Build Websites

An increasing number of our clients are asking us if we can help them update their website. The answer is of course yes. We build websites using WordPress. WordPress is an open source content management tool. In layman's terms that means it's a tool, available free of...

Your Own Virtual Data Room

VIRTUAL DATA ROOM How about your own virtual data room? Perhaps you've recently started a new project and at some point you realise that the client will be looking to you to provide a Virtual data room giving secure access to all of the project files, documents and...

Christmas Wishes from our Contract Lawyer 2014

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the...