Plugin to the World!

WordPress is not the world’s most popular web platform without good reason. With WordPress, if you’re looking to achieve something specific, there’s usually a plug-in to help you do it! Plug-ins are specific software tools or modules designed to...

Christmas party from Collabor8online

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all at Collabor8online   Read about our contract lawyer’s dispute involving a Partridge in Peartree   Try Now Video Overview Tweet   Call us 020 3369 6491...

A Contractual Dispute involving a Partridge in a Peartree

Our contract lawyer (See last years best wishes from out contract lawyer) has had to step in to help resolve an issue in relation to a number of unsolicited gifts,  some of which involve livestock including a partridge in a pear tree and two turtle doves. Also If...

Chinese Walls – Where on earth did that term come from?

  A Chinese wall is a barrier that separates two or more groups, usually as a means of restricting the flow of information. Originating in the financial services sector, the term was used to describe an “invisible” barrier between different...

Who can see my stuff?

Most businesses are happy to share SOME of their documentation with SOME of their clients, contacts or team members. Very few businesses are happy to share ALL of their documents with ALL of their contacts! The ideal solution lies somewhere between those two extremes,...

So, who’s in your Circle of Trust?

In life, as well as in business there are always people you trust. Family, friends business associates, perhaps people who you’ve worked with the many years. Perhaps you’ve learned to depend on them, perhaps they depend on you but either way, they tick the...