Pokémon Go – Find your inner nerd

Everybody loves a craze, Pokémon has broken new ground  by threatening to become a bigger craze second time around than it was first time around, unbelievably 20 years ago. The essence of the new game craze or fad (call it what you will) is a location-based augmented...

NEW Job Card System

Job Cards Re-Imagined Video Overview This short overview (3 min) takes you through the basic functions and the amazing Job Sheet interface The Challenge List based systems are all well and good. You can view jobs in progress, sort them, filter them but Job Cards are a...

So, Microsoft have bought LinkedIn for £18bn.

So, Microsoft have bought LinkedIn for £18bn. When you combine this information with the fact that they bought Skype a few years ago you can draw a few interesting conclusions. Firstly – that Microsoft are buying their way into the cloud Secondly – for those of us who...

Unlimited Users Means an Effective Audit Trail

Collabor8online offers unlimited projects and unlimited users, the only restriction we place on our systems is the amount of disk space we make available for storing project documentation. The reasoning behind unlimited users is not simply motivated by aiming to...

Collabor8online Launch Professional Services version

Businesses operating in the professional services sector, be that Accountancy, Legal or associated professions have a long-standing need to store and share documents and files securely.   Recent developments, particularly specifically the growing realisation that...